English language
Published March 5, 1981
三島由紀夫: Thirst for Love (1981)
English language
Published March 5, 1981
Thirst for Love (or 愛の渇き, Ai no Kawaki) is a 1950 novel by the Japanese writer Yukio Mishima. The word "kawaki" literally means thirst, but has a sense of parched dryness associated with it. Thirst for Love is Mishima's third novel, following the immensely successful Confessions of a Mask (1949). Unlike the coming of age of a male narrator in Confessions, Mishima may have deliberately moved to a woman protagonist and a third person narrative. Donald Keene says of Thirst for Love that it is "a youthful work, but one of Mishima's best".The book was adapted into the 1967 film Thirst for Love.