User Profile

Robin Shipton đź“š

Joined 1 year, 6 months ago

Reader and (now) writer of #sciencefiction, #fantasy, and #romance, with a smattering of all kinds of other stuff: #history, #polyamory, #WritingCraft, #philosophy, and #TTRPG books.

Mildly #queer, #TransRights supporter, #parent, and #Canadian. #AntiRacism is a process not a checkbox.

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@kg6gfq “… which sounds way darker than it is.”

I know what you mean by that. I deeply appreciate how some romances tackle weighty subjects through their protags’ histories and issues, and yet don’t make it about darkness, but rather about real people. Watching them heal—sometimes only partway even—is immensely wholesome. And dare I say it, literary.

Tim Pratt: The Wrong Stars (Paperback, 2017, Angry Robot) 4 stars

A ragtag space crew discovers alien technology that could change the fate of humanity—or awaken …

A lot of protagonist-centred sci-fi written for YA and YA+ audiences can be sloppy about characterization and world-building. Happily, The Wrong Stars doesn’t fall into that trap. We get romance and a solid protagonist competence-fantasy, but without the maundering inside or outside of her head that’s such a common pitfall.

A solid read, a satisfying adventure tale, a relationship I cheered and feared for, and an intriguing setting with intrinsic stakes I care about. It makes me want to continue the series to find out what happens next. A success by any measure.

Howard Waldrop: Dream Factories and Radio Pictures (EBook, 2022) No rating

What if the post-apocalyptic world was inherited by the android avatars of a famous duck, …

Florida vs. Disney lead to a chatroom about politics, offhand predictions that Disney would outlive us all, and then a mention of “Heirs of the Perisphere”—a short story about the last Tokyo Disney Resort animatronics in the far post-apocalypse searching for the remains of humanity—by Howard Waldrop, an accomplished author I'd somehow never heard of. So here we are. Gawrsh.