En un mundo plano sostenido por cuatro elefantes impasibles -que se apoyan en la espalda de una tortuga gigante- habitan los estrafalarios personajes de esta novela: un hechicero avaro y torpe, un turista ingenuo cuyo fiero equipaje le sigue a todas partes sostenido por cientos de patitas, dragones que existen si se cree en ellos, gremios de ladrones y asesinos, espadas mágicas, la Muerte y, por supuesto, un extenso catálogo de magos y demonios... En esta serie de novelas se dan cita todos los temas y situaciones del género fantástico, visto a través del personalismo y corrosivo sentido dela comicidad de un autor inglés que se ha convertido en uno de los escritores de humor de mayor éxito y fama en el mundo.
Discworld and Sir Terry were a big part of my life growing up, he had a large impact on who I became.
I'm not sure for newcomers to his writing I'd fully recommend The Colour of Magic - I believe Sir Terry himself said to start from book three (Sourcery) - but this is an interesting historical artefact.
I plan to read through the entire Discworld series in the coming months (and years, I guess - I don't plan to only read Discworld non-stop), so starting from the very beginning to experience how Sir Terry's style developed was a key choice for me.
I did enjoy it a lot though! Torn between 3 and 4 stars. It's good! But I feel like 4 stars requires a level of excellence not quite attained here - it does feel a little disjointed at times, and some …
Enjoyed it - a fun read!
Discworld and Sir Terry were a big part of my life growing up, he had a large impact on who I became.
I'm not sure for newcomers to his writing I'd fully recommend The Colour of Magic - I believe Sir Terry himself said to start from book three (Sourcery) - but this is an interesting historical artefact.
I plan to read through the entire Discworld series in the coming months (and years, I guess - I don't plan to only read Discworld non-stop), so starting from the very beginning to experience how Sir Terry's style developed was a key choice for me.
I did enjoy it a lot though! Torn between 3 and 4 stars. It's good! But I feel like 4 stars requires a level of excellence not quite attained here - it does feel a little disjointed at times, and some scenes don't really seem to have any purpose.
Dalo by se říci, že je to takový roadtrip. Cesta bez cíle, každý taoista by měl radost. Dva hlavní hrdinové putují napříč Zeměplochou. Jeden, protože chce a ten druhý, protože musí. První díl Zeměplochy mi spíš připadá jako umě spojená sbírka povídek. Ačkoliv se to čte velice dobře a na konci chcete číst dál, neumím se ubránit pocitu, že je to zatím jen takový nedopilovaný úvod. Něco z čeho se v dalších knihách teprve zhmotní ten kult, který kolem Zeměplochy dnes je.