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Paul Czege: The Ink That Bleeds (Paperback, Half Meme Press) 5 stars

A zine about bleed, immersion, writing to find out, self care, and the landscape of …

Playing journaling games with your subconscious

5 stars

The Ink That Bleeds is a fine zine about playing solo rpgs/ journaling game in a way that allows your subconscious lots of input. Paul Czege does a great job at telling how he arrived at this play style, explaining his thoughts on and analysis of it, and giving examples from his actual plays of various journaling games. The zine has a beautiful cover, a clean layout, and a nice feel to it.

The subtitle "how to play immersive journaling games" might be interpreted that Paul describes THE way to play these solo games immersively, but I'm not sure that's an interpretation he would agree with. I'm no expert at immersion, but I think other ways to immersive journal gaming experiences are possible.

That speculation aside, this zine is an introduction to a play style that sounds very interesting. Paul describes a stance and techniques that invite participation of your …

reviewed Solo Gamemaster's Guide by Geek Gamers

Geek Gamers: Solo Gamemaster's Guide (EBook, Modiphius Entertainment) 4 stars

Create immersive solo RPG experiences with this dedicated guide from the acclaimed host of the …

Delivers on its promise to help make solo gaming compelling

5 stars

#SoloClub #TTRPG

I've been an avid tabletop roleplaying gamer since the Satanic Panic, and while I'd played with using random tables or oracles to try to run solo games to feed my thirst to play, they didn't flow well or reproduce the thrill of "playing to find out". The closest I came to solo roleplaying success might have been old Traveller's character generation, where as I rolled the career that the character went through, I imagined what each roll of the dice meant. What happened during that period of service to get the character that +1 in Bribery? Of course, the fact that a character could die during character creation added some of the surprise or thrill that seemed to be missing from other attempts at solo play. Fast forward to the pandemic in 2020, and even though I had been playing games online for years, I found that because …