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reviewed Judgement Dave by Si Clarke (Starship Teapot, #2)

Si Clarke: Judgement Dave (AudiobookFormat) 4 stars

Lem is adapting to her new home aboard a strange spaceship in an even stranger …


4 stars

Like in the first book communication is central in this story. Here, it gets a new dimension, or expression, and I liked that. The Plenties (sp?) are indeed a lot. I hated them. LOL And Spock is the bestest.

This book is just as funny, silly, comfy and cozy, and plain fun as the first in the series. It has no space battles, no romance, and no infighting. That is very refreshing. There is still a dilemma, drama, and earnest topics to be discussed, so it is not boring at all. But it delivers all that in a way that is not anxiety inducing. I love that and I want so much more of it. The world needs more of it.

#ScienceFiction #SciFi #StarshipTeapot

reviewed The Left Hand of Dog by Si Clarke (Starship Teapot, #1)

Si Clarke: The Left Hand of Dog (AudiobookFormat) 4 stars

Escaping intergalactic kidnappers has never been quite so ridiculous.

When Lem and her faithful dog, …

You had me at Spock's Brain

4 stars

You actually had me way before that, but that wouldn't have made for a good headline. This is a fun, queer, and very silly science-fiction story with aliens in space about being who you are and about found family. It's so beautiful and funny and fluffy and glittery. No romance, no space battles, just pure rainbowy adventure and friendship. I like how the communication works - or doesn't work in a lot of instances. It's making me think about language and concepts and frames of references. It could be something to spend some time with and dive deeper into. It's a fascinating topic. Speaking of references, there are a lot of Star Trek ones, and probably of other works as well, but I am not familiar enough with those to understand them. I loved them! I am a big Trekkie, so of course I do.

Looking forward to the next …

reviewed Die Herren des Abgrunds by Adrian Tchaikovsky (Die Scherben der Erde, #3)

Adrian Tchaikovsky: Die Herren des Abgrunds (EBook, Heyne) 5 stars

Vor beinahe einem Jahrhundert hat die feindliche Alien-Zivilisation der Architekten beinahe die Menschheit zerstört. Dann …

Gelungener Abschluss

5 stars

Im dritten und letzten Teil gibt Tchaikovsky nochmal Gas. Im Gegensatz zum zweiten Teil lässt der Spannungsbogen zwischendurch nicht sonderlich nach. Alle bekannten Charaktere sind voll in die Geschichte involviert, Bündnisse werden geschmiedet, die Handlung wird insgesamt etwas actionreicher. Alles läuft auf das Finale hinaus, und eben dieses hat der Autor hinbekommen. Mal wieder eine gute Space Opera.

#sciencefiction #sf #buch #books #tchaikovsky