Logan Ury: How to Not Die Alone (2021, Simon & Schuster) No rating

My review

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"You’ve done things your way for your entire life. Why not try something different? A lasting, loving relationship may very well be waiting for you on the other end."

The author does have a bias (worked at Google before working on this book, and worked at Hinge after submitting it) but does provide good advice.

You will want to make notes / highlight, and sometimes there is a quiz, so will want a way to write something down.

"You need to put in effort to find someone."

"No relationship is easy all the time. Even the healthiest, most rewarding marriages require effort. Finding someone can be hard, but often the real challenge comes later. The hard part is the daily work you put in to grow and sustain a great relationship."

While the book does feel geared a bit more towards women, anyone of any gender I believe can make use of this book. It is geared towards those who have more dating experience and are extroverts, but anyone can get useful advice from this book.

"But what you really want to look for is somebody who will hold your purse in the cancer clinic."

There is humour injected multiple times in this book, which keeps the book from becoming too serious.

"Of course! Cue the Céline Dion soundtrack!"