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ivanhoe's books

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33% complete! ivanhoe has read 4 of 12 books.

Brandon Sanderson: The Well of Ascension (Paperback, 2000, Orion Publishing Co, imusti) 5 stars

The impossible has been accomplished. The Lord Ruler -- the man who claimed to be …

At first glance, the key and the lock it fits may seem very different. Different in shape, different in function, different in design. The man who looks at them without knowledge of their true nature might think them opposites, for one is meant to open, and the other to keep closed. Yet, upon closer examination he might see that without one, the other becomes useless. The wise man then sees that both lock and key were created for the same purpose.

The Well of Ascension by  (Mistborn, #2)

Justin Halpern: Sh*t my dad says (2010, It Books) No rating

Tuesdays with Morrie meets F My Life in this hilarious coming-of-age book about a son's …

Unfortunately this book is exactly what the title says. A string of anecdotes of shit the protagonist's dad said. There are some longer anecdotes which are quite enjoyable but there are a lot of short ones which are only like one or two sentences.