User Profile


Joined 1 year, 6 months ago

I'm nobody important. I'm just now getting back into reading in the last few years and I mostly ready Fantasy and Science Fiction. Heavy emphasis on graphic novels, Christian Literature, Non-traditional fantasy settings I love. I also read programming language books and business management books because I'd like to have a successful business at some point or at least be good a managing resources. Currently on a gaming hiatus until the latter happens. I listen to audiobooks often (Wishlist at:

Star Ratings (for me): 1 - Don't Read 2 - Not Good but had redeeming qualities 3 - Mediocre / Not my cup of tea 4 - Good 5 - Excellent

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timaeos's books

Currently Reading

Axie Oh: Rebel Seoul (2017, Tu Books) 4 stars

EAST ASIA, 2199. After a great war, the East Pacific is in ruins. In brutal …

A light Sci-fi K-Drama

4 stars

This book is essentially a scifi k-drama and I loved it regardless. It has some light political intrigue but is primarily an ode to k-dramas with mecha as a bit of a side aspect.

William A. Eddy: 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life (2018) 4 stars

Some difficult people aren’t just hard to deal with—they’re dangerous.

Do you know someone whose …

Great Read for Awareness

4 stars

This was a follow-up to my BIFF reading. It's the same author and in this book, he goes deeper into specific personality disorders based on the DSM5 information. It was an enlightening read just like BIFF. I'd recommend this to anyone that has to deal with people in their careers that have aggressive behaviour or display high conflict patterns.

Bill Eddy: BIFF (Paperback, 2014, High Conflict Institute Press) 4 stars


We live …

Great Insight

4 stars

I just finished this short book and I must say it provided some great insight into how to respond to inflammatory comments. It also gave some advice regarding redirecting conversations and how to navigate specific kinds of relationships with high conflict people. It is a bit repetitive but that reinforces the concepts so that the reader remembers them at the end. I'll be mentally practicing this technique when encountering challenging individuals that require more grace.