User Profile


Joined 1 year, 6 months ago

I'm nobody important. I'm just now getting back into reading in the last few years and I mostly ready Fantasy and Science Fiction. Heavy emphasis on graphic novels, Christian Literature, Non-traditional fantasy settings I love. I also read programming language books and business management books because I'd like to have a successful business at some point or at least be good a managing resources. Currently on a gaming hiatus until the latter happens. I listen to audiobooks often (Wishlist at:

Star Ratings (for me): 1 - Don't Read 2 - Not Good but had redeeming qualities 3 - Mediocre / Not my cup of tea 4 - Good 5 - Excellent

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timaeos's books

Currently Reading

Naomi Novik: Spinning Silver (2019, Del Rey) 5 stars

"A fresh and imaginative retelling of the Rumpelstiltskin fairytale from the bestselling author of Uprooted, …

Fairy Tale Fantasy

5 stars

This book... is probably the best Fairy Tale fantasy I've ever read. It is what Frozen wishes it could have been in its wildest dream when it grew up. It is full of strong female leads that makes you marvel at their decisions. I highly recommend it. If I could give it 6 out of 5 stars, I would.